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Hi, I'm Anuar Aimoldin

Data & AI Leader, Community Founder, Kaggle Top 14


Built and led top-tier R&D teams, launching AI/ML solutions globally across industries.

ML Expertise

10+ years of expertise in AI, ML, and Computer Vision.


Kaggle Top-14 on global ranking, published in the Lancet Digital Health, Pneumothorax Segmentation Winner.


Published research in top-tier medical and AI journals

Effect of a comprehensive deep-learning model on the accuracy of chest x-ray interpretation by radiologists

The Lancet Digital Health (Impact Factor: 98.4) - August 2021

Authors: Jarrel CY Seah, Cyril H M Tang, Quinlan D Buchheit, Xavier G Holt, Jeffrey B Wardman, Anuar Aimoldin, et al.

Social Media


Chest x-rays are widely used in clinical practice; however, interpretation can be hindered by human error and a lack of experienced thoracic radiologists. Deep learning has the potential to improve the accuracy of chest x-ray interpretation. We therefore aimed to assess the accuracy of radiologists with and without the assistance of a deep-learning model.


Unassisted radiologists had a macroaveraged AUC of 0.713 across the 127 clinical findings, compared with 0.808 when assisted by the model. The deep-learning model statistically significantly improved the classification accuracy of radiologists for 102 (80%) of 127 clinical findings, was statistically non-inferior for 19 (15%) findings, and no findings showed a decrease in accuracy when radiologists used the deep-learning model.


This study shows the potential of a comprehensive deep-learning model to improve chest x-ray interpretation across a large breadth of clinical practice.

Efficiency Analysis of First-Order Stochastic Optimization Algorithms for Image Registration

Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science - 2020

Authors: Voronov S., Amir M., Kozlov A., Zinollayev A., Aimoldin A.

This work presents a comparative experimental analysis of different first-order stochastic optimization algorithms for image registration in spatial domain: stochastic gradient descent, Momentum, Nesterov momentum, Adagrad, RMSprop, Adam. Correlation coefficient is considered as the objective function. Experiments are performed on synthetic data generated via wave model with different noise-to-signal ratio and real-world images.

Key Findings

The comparative analysis shows that in each case "classical" stochastic gradient descent shows the worst result in terms of the convergence rate. The best results are provided by Adam and RMSprop optimizations, with Adam algorithm being almost always preferable as it has less variance than RMSprop.

Media & Publications

Featured articles and interviews about AI, ML, and technology

(Un)complicated Algorithms

Is it easy to teach a machine?

Kazakhstanskaya Pravdaleading national newspaper of Kazakhstan
A person giving thumbs up and smiling at the camera, wearing a gray t-shirt with a triangle logo

In an interview with "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda," Kazakhstan's leading national newspaper, Anuar Aimoldin, founder of the Data Science Kazakhstan community, shared insights on the development of data science in the country and its significance for a wide audience.

From Math Olympiads to Machine Learning

A CDMO Graduate's Journey

CDMOCenter for Advanced Mathematical Education
Anuar Aimoldin standing at night in Sydney with the Opera House visible in the background, wearing a yellow t-shirt with 'bári jaqsy bolady' text and a navy blue jacket

As a one of the top graduates of the Center for Advanced Mathematical Education (CDMO)—a community and training hub for Olympiad-level math—I've shared how my math and problem-solving skills shaped my entire journey, taking me from unexpected early wins to a global career in data science.

Brain Drain in Kazakhstan

How BTS Digital nurtures a new generation of IT professionals

The Steppemulti-platform media outlet catering to modern Kazakhstanis in entrepreneurship
Anuar Aimoldin during an interview at The Steppe

In a discussion about the "brain drain" phenomenon, Anuar Aimoldin, Head of AI at BTS Digital, shared his personal story of returning to Kazakhstan and emphasized the company's mission to create opportunities for local tech talent.

Data Science Job Market in Kazakhstan

Insights from Zerttey Research (2020)

Zerttey ResearchIndependent research platform focusing on technology trends in Central Asia
Anuar Aimoldin discussing data science trends in Kazakhstan

In the "Data Science in Kazakhstan" research by Zerttey (2020), Anuar Aimoldin, Head of Artificial Intelligence at BTS Digital, shared insights on the rapid development of the data science market in recent years.


Building Kazakhstan's largest AI community

DSML KZ Community Founder

Founded and leading Kazakhstan's largest AI community, fostering knowledge sharing and professional growth in AI/ML.

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